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Flags > 2nd Bunting Issue ANV Battle Flag
2nd Bunting Issue ANV Battle Flag
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Price: $350.00
Availability: Available for order

Estimated delivery one month from the time of order.

Made of our all wool bunting exclusively available from Tartex Textiles. scarlet red bunting, blue bunting, gold/orange bunting, cotton canvass header, machine stitched white fine 100% cotton muslin star material, handsewn eyelets, 100% cotton white twill tape edging.

This pricing listed here is for a flag with raw edge applique stars raw edge applique starwhich look like the star pictured on the right.

Finished flag size is approximately 4' x 4'.

Based on the research we have done, what we know about dyes of the period & references of the period we believe that our scarlet bunting is closest to what red color in the flag looked like when it was new. We have studied some flags where either the edging or header is missing on some of the flag and have observed a more scarlet color in these areas. We believe the exposure to battle and age yields a darker red closer to our red bunting.


If you prefer a kit to make your own flag please see our sister site ACW Kits.

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