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Coverlets and Blankets > Saxon blue an brown Pine Cone Bloom Coverlet
Saxon blue an brown Pine Cone Bloom Coverlet

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Price: $140.00
Availability: in stock

Wrap up in history this winter with our new coverlet woven the the Pine Bloom pattern woven in distinct Saxon blue an brown color yarns. This overshot coverlet has been faithfully reproduced from a 19th century example that was originally woven in Moore County, TN by Elsina Green Motlow (1835-1930). Elsina Green was one of 14 children and it is said that she confronted Federal Troops at her family's doorstep, resulting in the soldiers declining to enter the house.

Woven by Pat Kline of Family Heirloom Weavers in Red Lion, PA exclusively for Tartex Textiles this coverlet was woven on blanket shuttle looms this coverlet features the shuttle woven return selvage edges seen on antique coverlets.

100% cotton warp with 100% wool filling (weft) yarns

This style coverlet measures approximately 77" wide by 90" long overall. It is made of two panels which are sewn together along their length. Copying the style of antique coverlets we have chosen not to match the pattern along this seam.

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